Monday, January 2, 2012

Curved Pool Diagrams

I've had a lot of requests for curved pool tutorials so I made some diagrams to show the exact sections needed for the following pool shapes. I hope this helps. If  you want me to diagram a specific shape for you, send me a picture.

Make sure the area of the pool is flat.
Lay down a floor tile over the area before you start. You can always remove it later if you need to, and it will help to stop curved tiles from changing shape to square.
 You may need to use the "constrainfloorelevation false" tool in the console(ctrl/shift+c) if the game won't let you place pool sections.  Don't forget to switch back to "constrainfloorelevation true" afterwards.
You may need to use the console command "moveobjects on" to place your ladders and lights.

After you make the sections on the diagram, fill in with regular square pool sections.


  1. Awesome, thanks! I always have such a hard time making well constructed pools!

  2. love it cant to make one and send you a pic of it

  3. This is very, very useful tutorial! Thanks!

  4. Great tutorial i have to be a member *-*

  5. This is really helpful! Thank you for sharing :)

  6. Thanks so much - for some reason curved pools are my downfall....also I noticed that I can't add two concave pool sections next to one I know how to fix that! :D

  7. I'm so glad it helped :).These curved pools can be a pain!

  8. OMG, thank you!! I not only suck at making lots come out the way I envision I wanted, but esp the pools. I only knew how to make one type you had, but not the others. And I never thought to do it over tiles!
    Thank you for this!!

  9. Wow~~~ I gonna try it when I am back home! I have been looking for it...

  10. Thank you so much for this! I have SUCH a hard time making curved pools!

  11. Thanks! I made one that's supposed to look like a tree. :| A very stylized tree.

  12. i love it, thank ya, and please help me with sims my sim canť eat i don´t know what he doing

  13. Well its very creative, I think the gold fields can be made the same way as these diagrams are made. awesome work!


  14. Thanks for inspiration. Here is photostory with transform ugly place to beautiful swim - lake :-)
